Our little guy arrived at 6:34 am weighing exactly 8lbs and measuring 21 inches long...but lets start from the beginning....
Every year on the 4th of July our ward does a 5k run and a pancake breakfast. I was sooo ready to have the baby that I decided to walk the 5k with my dogs and see if it would help jump start labor. Afterwards Scott took me on a lunch date to the Cheesecake Factory, and we decided to walk the mall since we were there. Well, after our walk we went to Scott's parents house since our air conditioner was broken. Tim and Jeanne were in Utah so it was just the two of us playing games and watching movies. At around 2 pm I started having contractions. They didn't hurt too bad and they weren't consistent so I dismissed them as Braxton Hicks. After a few hours of this I realized that I hadn't felt the baby move in a while so I got nervous and called the hospital to see if this was normal during contractions. They told me to go down to the hospital to monitor the baby and make sure everything is ok. While we were on the way to the hospital I literally felt him move a bunch times so I felt ridiculous walking in to Labor and Delivery. I was sure they were going to send us home. Once they admitted me they checked me and I was already dilated to a 4. They also said my contractions were coming every 3 minutes, which was a surprise to me because I wasn't counting the small ones. They told us we were staying and I was going to have the baby...I was shocked! They had me walk the halls for an hour and it helped me dilate more, but I was soon at a point where the pain was horrible so I asked for the epidural and finally recieved it around midnight...that thing is magic! Things went a little slower after that so they gave me pitocin and broke my water in hopes to speed things up. Before I knew it, it was time to push. Scott, my mom, and Jessie were in the room with me and they were a great support. At first I told everyone (besides Scott) that they had to stay behind my head so they couldn't see anything. My mom quickly ignored that request and Jessie kept trying to take a few peeks so I just let them watch...haha. It was actually a great help to have them there to cheer me on as I pushed. There was one point that I was watching the 3 of them, as all of this was going, on and I wanted to laugh because they seemed more adamant on pushing the baby out than I did. They each had their own excitement and I'm glad they were there.
After 45 minutes of pushing our baby arrived on his due date. Yes, he is very punctual!
The moment he was born they laid him on my chest so I could hold him. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I instantly loved him with all my heart. After a few seconds I looked up at Scott and we were both crying. I had a rush of emotions and gratitude to my Heavenly Father for blessing us with this little baby.
After Porter was cleaned and weighed Scott was able to spend time with him. I loved looking over and seeing the two of them on the couch. I love them so much!
I didn't have a great recovery so I had to stay in the hospital a little longer than normal. I'm so grateful for a husband that did EVERYTHING for me. He changed every single diaper, helped with his first bath, brought me everything I needed, and he even got up every time Porter woke up and carried him over to me so I could feed him (even in the middle of the night). I don't know how people do this on their own. Scott's the best.
Our friends and family are amazing. We had so many visitors in the hospital, and a week full of meals delivered to our house every night when we got home. I'm thankful that Porter gets to grow up around so many amazing people.
Porter and Grandma Judy
Grandpa Tim and Grandma Jeanne
came straight to the hospital after leaving Utah
Aunt Jessie
Candice was afraid to hold him...I had to force her to take this picture
Aunt Holley
Uncle Kevin
Uncle Brent
Aunt Andrea
Uncle Jacob, Uncle Justin, and Daniel
Uncle Jared
Erin came and gave him lots of love
Grandpa Greg was able to leave work in Blythe to come see him after a long drive
I'm so sad this came out blurry...we're on our way out the door so Scott snapped a pic really quick.
First car ride
I love Porter so much. When I got home I wrote these words in my journal, "All I want to do is be around him. I want to hold him, look at him, and cuddle him. He's such a great blessing and I'm lucky to be his mom."