Thursday, July 30, 2020

March 2019

March started out great. I  got to have an over nighter at the Mission Inn with Megan, Jenny, and Savanna. We attended "Time out For Women" and were uplifted by the incredible messages and beautiful music.

The thing I'm most proud of this month is something Porter did. At school he was asked to do a report and presentation on someone in history who has been influential to the world. As we discussed who he should write about I started listing people like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, Malala, etc. As I  looked up these names Porter said, "Mom I want to write about Jesus." My heart instantly filled with love for this sweet, innocent boy. I went to bed disappointed in myself for not listing the Savior among those names in the first place. There has literally been no one in the world more influential than Him. I'm so glad Porter was in tune with the spirit enough to think of Him immediately.
Porter wrote about Jesus' life and ministry, and shared his tender testimony about the Savior's love for all men. He did this without hesitation in front of his entire class.

A few days later when I was at a school function, another mom came up to me and asked if my son was the one who presented about Jesus. I told her he was and she said that her son came home and told her about Porter's presentation. He said that when Porter was speaking it made his heart feel happy and that he wished he chose Jesus to write about as well. I couldn't hide my tears as the mom shared this story with me. I'm so grateful that my son loves his Savior, and that he unapologetically wants to share the gospel with the world.

Speaking of school...

I  got to take these cute boys to "Mother/Son night". We ate pizza, made slime, and danced. Well, I  danced, and Porter was humiliated.

They also had "Open House" this month. They were so proud to show us all their hard work.

We love Mrs. Ayloush...

and Mrs. Diaz

Kennedy and Dallin both got their first hair cuts! They did so well, and looked adorable before and after.

I  also want to post about every day things we do, like the park, 

playing in the backyard,

and the sweet sibling moments.

We lost our sweet Amber girl this month. We knew the time was coming because she was struggling so much with her arthritis. We woke up one morning and she was unable to walk. Scott had to pick her up when she wanted to eat or go to the bathroom. We took her to the vet and they gave her some anti-inflammatory pills to see if that would help. After 2 days there was no change so they told us there was nothing else they could do and that the right thing to do would be to put her down so she wouldn't suffer anymore. It was such a devastating day for us. I  had the kids give her lots of hugs and tell her bye. Porter had the hardest time with it. He was emotional and worried about her. Kennedy talked about her for weeks after. I  couldn't stop crying for weeks. The day after she passed the vet called me to give his condolences. He told me that he never sees 12 year old St. Bernards because their life expectancy is usually 8-10 years. He said for her to make it to 12 years was a testament to how well she was cared for. I found comfort in those words because I had a lot of guilt for not giving her enough attention when the kids came in the picture. I hope she knows how much we loved and appreciated her. She's a member of our family and I  hope she's running around with Duke in heaven.

The Ethington's came down for Spring Break and we joined them at Knott's Berry Farm. The kids loved it, but really, they'd be happy anywhere with their cousins.

More cousin love...

For our Spring Break, we decided to hop in the motor home and take a loooong drive to Arches National Park and Canyonlands.

It was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

The last place we went before we headed home was this dinosaur park and museum. It was a hit!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

February 2019

Dallin is 1 year old!

He weighs 21.3 lbs and is 31 inches long. 

Here's some things I love about him...

He sleeps all night (best sleeper out of the 4)

His dreamy long eye lashes

He's a mama's boy, but gets excited when dad gets home

He's opinionated...its a blessing and a curse

He likes to cuddle stuffed animals when he goes to sleep

His big squishy cheeks 

He'll eat pretty much anything (even veggies)

He loves to play with his siblings

He's always smiling

He dances any time there's music on

One year old facts: 

He looks like Grandpa Greg

Most used word is "mama"

Things we wish he hadn't learned is raising the volume of his voice. It's at a constant scream.

Favorite Food: spaghetti

Favorite Book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Favorite Activities: popping bubbles, cuddling mommy, making a mess

Favorite toy: blocks and dinosaur that bounces balls on it's back

Favorite friends: His siblings

We celebrated his big day with the things he loves, playing, and eating.

His first time eating sugar did not disappoint!

In lieu of gifts, we asked that everyone bring children's books that we could donate to CHLA craniofacial department. The last time we were there for Dallin's cleft check up I noticed the book case in the waiting room was completely empty. Our amazing family and friends made it possible for us to donate over 630 books!!!! Those shelves won't be empty again for a very long time.

Just a sneak peek of their engagement picture lol

Man, do we love this boy. He is a literal ball of sunshine and I'm so happy I'm his mom.

Porter had a big month too!
He's loving scouts and attending all of the events, like this "Night at the Roundtable".

He also wrote a story at school and it was chosen to be performed by a group of actors who came to his school for an assembly. It's the kid's favorite assembly every year, and they choose one story from every grade level. Out of the entire second grade, Porter's story was chosen!!! I  was literally beaming with pride when I  watched his words come to life. 
His story was about a "Dog Boy" who was a super hero. The actor who played the main character would say, "This looks like a job for..." and all the kids in the audience would shout, "Dog Boy"! I    seriously started tearing up when I looked over at Porter and saw the smile on his face. He created something so incredible, and I  am so proud of him. 

Max is just the happiest kid alive.  Max is so easy going. He makes my job as a mom full of joy, and I love the one on one time we get together. 

The kid will literally make anything fun.

And this sweetness is full of love. She's so caring and nurturing already. Those traits will take her so far in life.