Wednesday, May 25, 2016

November 2015

We took things easy in November.

Kennedy's first couple of weeks consisted of lots of doctors visits (from jaundice), and lots of sleeping...

She hums in her sleep, which I think is the sweetest sound in the world.

At one month she found her fingers, and puts them in her mouth.

Max is such a ham...
while he was in the car he told me, "mom, my feet are killing me"

He also went poop in the toilet for the first time!
It was just a little nugget, but he was so proud of himself, but he has no interest in doing it again.

This is what Porter made at school this month. He forgot to mention how thankful he is for his mama.
On Thanksgiving, when I asked jim what he was thankful for he said, I'm thankful for turkey and not for yucky words".

Baby's first Thanksgiving...