Scott and I decided to extend our stay (with a few of the other volunteers) and visit
We also did a safari where we were able to see tons of animals.
I'm not the most advanced blogger, but I like the idea of keeping a journal for our family so that one day our kids can look back on this and see their life from the beginning. My hope is that we fill these pages with lots of fun memories and adventures.
Scott and I decided to extend our stay (with a few of the other volunteers) and visit
The girls stayed in Mayvis’ back house. I got the top bunk J
Scott, being one of the only males got his own tent in the front yard.
There were 2 showers but never any hot water. We ate yogurt and granola for breakfast and a PB and J sandwich for lunch everyday.
But Eta treated us extra special for dinner. She (with the help of family) made us a delicious dinner every night.
Sometimes we got fresh chicken...and there was always fresh vegetables and Shima.
The kids at the center are so strong, and have overcome so much.
Emmanuel was my buddy the whole time we were there. He didn’t talk much, or smile for that matter, but he always came and sat on my lap or held my hand. His parents both died from AIDS and he is now with his siblings at the center. I can’t imagine the pain his little eyes have seen, but I loved his sweet spirit and the glimps of a smile that I got out of him every once in a while.
When you talk to Carol, you feel as if you are in the presence of greatness.
About a year after our trip, we received the devastating email that Carol had passed away from AIDS. The world lost a true angel, but I know that our Heavenly Father has great plans for her on the other side of the veil.
Boy meets girl at church. We go on our first date to the batting cages. The next day we go on our “real” first date to the apple farm in Oak Glen. I’d like to think that we fell madly in love with each other from our first few dates, but we played it smart and dated for almost a year before we were married.
These dates included:
A Halloween Dance
Some camping trips with friends
We happily spent every day together since our first date, up until Scott went to
He is the man of my dreams, and I cherish those fun first moments that we had to learn more about each other.