Tuesday, January 27, 2015

December 2014

December 2014

There's no better way to kick off the Christmas season, than remembering the reason!

I love this time of year!

 I love that we remember our Savior's birth and the reason he came to earth.
I'm grateful to know that He Lives and loves us on a personal level. 

I love that this season promotes service. What better way to show your gratitude to Jesus than to be like Him, and serve one another.

I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father, that sent His only begotten Son down to us, so we can be saved. 

He is the reason for the Season. 

We spent a lot of time this month reading Christmas stories, and watching videos.

We enjoyed all the activities there are to do as a family. 

Here are a few...


The lights
the decorations
and Mickey!!!

We spent one of our FHE this month going to the Mission Inn to see the lights.

My favorite part was the mini donuts we bought on the street!

We also got to meet Fritz Coleman, when we took a trip to Victoria Gardens. He was there for a "Toys for Tots" drive.

Even though the boys look bored to death, they LOVED seeing the lights in Rancho this year.
They're both at such a fun age, where they show excitement over every little thing. 
I love it!

Instead of Ginger bread houses, we made Christmas trees!

 Jessie hosted Christmas Eve this year. We had yummy food, and enjoyed each others company. Porter and Max were spoiled rotten by my siblings and parents.

This was the best Christmas morning I've ever had. 

The pure joy and excitement that my kids expressed, gave me butterflies. I love seeing them happy! Porter's first word after opening every present was "WOW!!!"

Grandma Jeanne made all the PJ's again!

A few days after Christmas they were still playing with all the loot.

This months updates...

Porter Pan:

Guess who's fully potty trained???!!!
Well, for pee at least. Poop is still a sensitive subject.

Porter even gets up in the middle of the night to go by himself. I'm so proud of him.
The motivation that worked? (after literally trying everything)
Extra Screen time

Mighty Max:

He sings "Let it Go" all the time

He's finally going to bed without a fight, and will sometimes choose to sleep with Porter in his bed.

This pic is random...but I just thought it was cute catching Max kiss himself in the mirror.

November 2014

November 2014

I just love how close Porter and Max are. They may get on each other's nerves once in a while, but at the end of the day, they're best buds. 
Porter is really patient and kind with Max, and Max just wants to do EVERYTHING his older brother is doing. 


I don't know what magic we've used, but Porter has truly been a perfect angel. He follows directions, never throws tantrums, gives us hugs on a regular basis, and always has the sweetest words to say. How long does this phase last? I like it!

We get a laugh anytime he talks about the past. Anything past tense is either "yesterday or last year".

He is also making a habit out of falling asleep on chairs...

but this one takes the cake!


This cutie pie is talking so much more!

His most common phrase at the moment is "ho ho ho"

He copies what we say

and he reads books to himself. It's my favorite thing in the world, to catch him in the act.

We celebrated Thanksgiving a few days early with the Krafts this year. I love spending time with my family!

On Thanksgiving day we went to Brent and Andrea's and were treated to a fabulous feast :) 

The day after Thanksgiving we started decorating for Christmas!

The boys wanted to put every ornament on the tree, and once they were done, they took some off and started over again.

The Rest of October 2014

After our vacation, we settled in to our normal routine at home.

Max Update: 

Started saying new words and making new noises. My favorite is : "Oyee Oyee Oh"

He's stinking adorable and loves to cuddle mommy still

Porter Update:

This kid has a sharp tongue and has started to talk back.

If I tell him "no" to a show or candy, he threatens me with one of the following...
"You're not going to be my mom" (this one makes me want to cry)
"You're not going to get any candy" 
"You're going to go on time-out"

I guess I need to make it clear, who the boss is around here!

He has his sweet moments too...
One day I was explaining to him that he'd be going to primary soon and that I would be his music teacher. He got a really sad look on his face and said, "Who's going to be my mom then?"

I reassured him that I was capable of doing both jobs :)

The rest of the month was one big Halloween celebration.

I'm pretty sure they each got to wear 3 different costumes to our various activities.

This was after our friend's Birthday (Halloween) party.

At some point this month we took the boys to the pumpkin patch with their cousins.

And Grandma and Papa

They enjoyed Trunk or Treat at the church (Max loved it, I swear)

and we even carved out some time for Jack-o-lanterns (pun intended)

Finally, it was Halloween night! We had a great time trick or treating with the Davis's. Even Max got out of the stroller a few times to grab some candy.