Sunday, February 12, 2017

December 2016

December was all about Christmas!

What better way to start the month, than to go to the happiest place on earth.

Here's some random photos from the month...

We got a brand new baby in the family! The kids love their new cousin, Regan. She's so perfect. 

Max is always having fun!

This big boy lost his first tooth on Dec. 3! He couldn't wait for the tooth fairy to come and leave him a dollar.

We had a ward Christmas party and Porter was pretty proud of his gingerbread man.

He also played Isaiah at church

Kennedy took her first steps on Dec. 1, and was walking well by Christmas! She's 14.5 months old.

Merry Christmas to us! We bought a motorhome this month and can't wait to take it out on a trip!

My favorite thing we did this month was join some friends to go caroling at an assisted living facility.
The elderly people were so welcoming, and I loved watching my children go into their rooms to pass out the goodie bags we made for them.

I was especially touched because I found out that Oma passed away this day. I thought about her often, and held back tears as I remember her living in a facility like this in Minnesota. 

We went to the festival of lights with Brent's family. We love them so much!

Porter performed in his Christmas program at school. You can tell from these pictures that it was adorable!

We kept the tradition alive by going to the lights on Thoroughbred...

Christmas Eve!

Jessie and Dean hosted Christmas Eve for the family and we had the best time.

Finally Christmas morning came and it was my favorite one yet!  I heard the boys playing in their room when they woke up, and after a few minutes they realized that Santa came. They ran to the stairs and got excited when they saw the presents under the tree. I LOVED seeing their joy!

Even Kennedy couldn't hide it.

After presents we had a nutritious breakfast of cinnamon rolls and eggs...

then enjoyed a perfect morning at church.

We exchanged gifts with the Williamson cousins the next day...

and the day after that went on a fun hike to potato chip rock!

What a way to end a fun month.

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