Friday, January 17, 2020

March 2018

Well...4 kids is kicking my butt, and I'm loving every minute of it. 
We're trying to find our "new normal", but the kids have just been awesome. They love their baby brother so much and they're always willing to help him. Porter and Kennedy seem like they need a little more attention from me, so I'm trying to work on that. 

Porter update:

He scored 100% on his district math test. His teacher calls him a math genius. 

Also, is class was on the news! They had a local weatherman come in and teach them about the weather. Porter keeps saying he's famous now. 

Max update: 

He's just the sweetest and cuddliest big brother, and is adjusting so well.

He's also reading now, and has a new obsession with building things.

Kennedy update:

I was getting ready in my bathroom as Kennedy played in the shower. I noticed that she found a razor so I quickly ran over there to grab it from her. As I got her out and dressed, I noticed she looked different, and I kept thinking her face was swollen. Then I noticed her eyebrows. She shaved her right one half OFF! She's lucky she's so dang cute. 

She looks at Dallin all day and says, "he's sooooo cute"

When she smells something bad (like a toot) she starts spitting and says, " poop in my mouth" over and over. We crack up every time

Her song of choice these days is "Blackbird" from the Beatles. I love hearing her sing it over and over

She calls herself a princess on a daily basis

Dallin has grown so much in his first month. 

He loves to look up at fans and lights
After a bath, his hair sticks straight out like he's just been electrocuted
He hates the carseat and car rides
He doesn't like when I'm not holding him (I'm completely at fault for this, and I don't even care)
He had his first smile! I just didn't capture it on camera.

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