Saturday, August 1, 2020

April 2019

My dad turned 60! We had a fun day celebrating him. We started with a fun morning of fishing at Lake Perris with everyone...

Then the adults got a sitter and we did an escape room and dinner!
We had the best time, and were so happy to shower my dad with love. He's worked hard for us his entire life, and has strived to have a strong personal relationship with each of his kids. He's an amazing grandpa who goes out of his way to play and teach. We sure love and appreciate him!

Kid Update:

This kid is walking and getting into everything! He's seriously got so much energy and personality. He's a perfect exclamation point to our family.


Don't let this sweet face fool you, because she's been getting into mischief lately too.

I'll give her a pass though because she's been battling pink eye, poor thing.

Happy as can be, as usual. 
He had his "Let's Play Music" recital and he did so well playing the bells and autoharp in front of everyone. He also played "Aladdin" in the puppet show. He was amazing!

It's exhausting being this awesome.

I couldn't be more proud of this kid.

He came home with a letter from school saying he was chosen as STUDENT OF THE YEAR!!!!! I    was jumping up and down screaming when I read this.
He has done so well this year. He's making amazing efforts in academics, but more importantly he's kind and welcoming to everyone, he makes good choices, and wears his beliefs on his sleeve.
The program was great and I couldn't hide my smile the entire time he was up there receiving his award.

The rest of the month was full of egg hunts galore!
First one was at the church...

The kids woke up on Easter morning to some baskets filled with sugar and fun!

Then we headed to church to celebrate the true meaning of this holiday. Oh how I  love our Savior and all that he's done for us.

Next we had my family over for lunch, egg coloring, egg hunt, and quality time.

Then we had Scott's family over for dinner with more egg hunts. (The same eggs may have been used over and over for all of these.)

Some other activities from this month included a trip to Castle Park...

and another escape room with friends.

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