Wednesday, February 5, 2014

November 2013

 The holidays are here, so it's been very busy around here.

Max is 4 months.
 Holley took these pictures (isn't she talented)?

At 4 months Max is the happiest baby alive. He smiles all the time.
He turns over both ways now
Recognizes me when I walk in a room and only wants to be with me when he's fussy
He cracks up at Porter anytime he talks to him
He's yelling when he babbles now
He grabs his toys and brings them straight to his mouth
He still wakes up 3-4 times a night (please help me)
At the end of the month we started rice cereal, and he likes it!

 I'm a few months late, but these are Porter's 2 year old pictures. What a handsome boy!
This boy has added some new sayings to his vocabulary. He's talking up a storm. His favorite phrase at the moment is, "What the heck?"

He's also enjoying technology way too much. He's noticed me using my iphone to ask Siri some questions. The other day I caught him with my phone, looking into it asking, "I want some juice?". He's such a crack up!

Here's a recap of our month...

Porter is getting in to my jewelry on a regular basis

He met Woody

We made Turkey's out of hand prints..
Can you guess which picture is Porter's and which is Kylie's?

We went to the zoo. It was Max's first time. He didn't pay much attention to any animals, but he was cracking up at Andrea when we sat down for lunch.

We have so much to be Thankful for...
It's amazing that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with our 2 sweet boys, they're my greatest gift..
We're very thankful for the gospel, our health, our family, Scott's job, our dogs, our friends, our trials, and the lessons we've learned...I can list stuff til next year and never be able to finish. What a loving God we have to pour out these blessings.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at Tim and Jeanne's this year.
Our little Turkey ate his feast of rice cereal for breakfast.

The cousins play so well together.

He didn't enjoy dinner as much as breakfast.

Once Thanksgiving was over, we had serious Christmas spirit.

Max saw Santa for the first time, and he did really well.

I thought Porter would enjoy this a little more.

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