Monday, October 3, 2016

May 2016

Holy cow, I don't think we've ever had a busier month. But, it was oh, so worth it!

First trip...Las Vegas!

Just chilling with Siegfried...a Vegas classic.Obviously the kids weren't as impressed as I was.

And Scott got buddy buddy with Mark Cuban.

The kids didn't care much for celebrities, but they LOVED the children's museum. They spent the entire day there, and still weren't ready to leave. 

Home for a few days, then off to Washington to visit Tim and Jeanne on their mission.

This was the first time they met Kennedy, and it was Kennedy's first time on a plane.

It's so beautiful and GREEN!

We had so much fun at the drive through wild animal park. 

This bear waved to the kids!


The cliffs and beaches were a treat.

But the hike to the falls was my favorite!

Max caught his first fish with daddy and Grandpa!

A trip to the Space Needle was a must...and the perfect way to end our trip.

The pilot let the boys into the cockpit!

Home again for a couple days, then off to camp with the Krepps. We stayed local and went to Yucaipa Regional Park. We love the outdoors!

On Memorial Day, we went to our annual motorcycle parade.

I just had to capture the cousins together.  I love that they love each other.

We ended the month with an Angels game with some awesome friends!

The Cryder's are so fun, and Kathy is one of my dearest friends.

Time for kids updates...


My big boy had his last day of preschool. 

I volunteered in the classroom this day, and I may or may not have teared up as they sang their last song in preschool. 

His best buddy is Dylan Heckroth, he knows all of his letters, colors, shapes, etc. and his teacher said he was such a good listener that she always sat him in the back because she never had to worry about him.
I truly can't believe how fast Porter is growing up.
He is the sweetest, most caring kid, and I'm blessed to be his mom. 

Mighty Max...

This kid fills my life with joy and laughter every day. Seriously, there's never a dull moment.

He's a smarty pants and already knows his shapes and colors.
He says the cutest, off the wall things. His latest conversation with me was, "Hey, how about me and you be best friends?"  Uhhh...yes, please!!!

It's hard to top this story though...
We were about to eat dinner with the Ellsworth's when Max ran in from the backyard crying. He was breathing funny and kept trying to dig up his nose. I told him to stop picking his nose (it's seriously a chronic habit he has), but this time it was different. He was insistent on picking it. I asked him if he put something up there and he cried, saying, "A roly poly".


I called for Romney (who's a fireman), and him and Scott tried using a flashlight and digging it out. We had him blow his nose a bunch of times, we tried squeezing the top of his nose, we tried EVERYTHING.

Nothing worked. 

My 2 year old had a live insect crawling around in his head.
I called the doctor and they said not to worry unless it blocked his airways. We ended up getting some nasal spray to wash it out. Max choked a bit when the water hit his throat and we figured he must've swallowed it, since it didn't come out of his nose.
Fast forward a full 4 days later. My sweet kid is playing in the sprinklers and from a distance I see what appears to be a big, black booger coming out of his nose. I rush over to him, and there it is.

A dead, snot filled role poly.

Kennedy Lynnea....

How is she 7 months already?!

This girl has cut 2 teeth

Screams off the top of her lungs when she's either excited or sad

She's very opinionated, and lets you know when she's mad

and she's a TOE SUCKER! It's the cutest thing ever

She also attended her first Angels game this month.

Her favorite thing to do at the park is go in the swings.

And I'm teaching her early how to shop.

She loves her life long friend Andie.

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